Wednesday, January 13, 2010 - Beaut at The Slipper Room R.I.P. / R.S.H. Thursday, OCTOBER 29 2009 --- Beaut at Secret Project Robot -- party all weekend in hell See Beaut Sunday, October 18th, 2009, at the Slipper Room -- Closing party for the Genesis Breyer P-Orridge exhibition "30 Years of Being Cut Up"........
Beaut will be playing this Friday, December 5th, 2008,
7 pm at Juanita
and Juan's, the fab new gallery / bookstore in Philadelphia!
November 11th 2007-- OTTO'S SHRUNKEN HEAD --Leather Lung GET UGLY Record Bash!! Special early "hair of the dog" show. Open Bar from 4-5 pm, performances from 4-6 by Beaut, Lynne Von, Sharkey and Chandler. On the occasion of the newly unearthed and remastered "Da Willys" recordings.